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Hi gays this time I will post one of the artwork of sahunt T. T25 Focus version of Alpha Speed ​​2.0 In this video there are several types of movements that can help you in overcoming the problem of body weight and shape.

According to the acknowledgment of some consumers, this shaunt T's gymnastics can indeed complement your body shape. In less than a month you can lose your weight to 20 kg, with good origin.
As for some types of movement is

Hi gays this time I will post one of the artwork of sahunt T. T25 Focus version of Alpha - Speed ​​2.0
In this video there are several types of movements that can help you in overcoming the problem of body weight and shape.
According to the acknowledgment of some consumers, this shaunt T's gymnastics can indeed complement your body shape. In less than a month you can lose your weight to 20 kg, with good origin.

As for some types of movement is

This workout is like Alpha - it is set to a cool music tempo and requires you to have some coordination.  I am not going to lie!  Tonia is the modifier, like always, so follow her for lower impact moves.
Round 1/Level 1:
1.       Out + out turn
2.       Quick feet up + back - Okay, these are hard to keep up with and I blame the carpet in my work out room.  I did a modified/try not to fall over kind of move but kept up as best I could.  I am going to have to go cut the long threads of carpet off that I unraveled.
3.       Alternating speed knee slow - Oh my gosh, my calves started burning.  This could have been from leg day yesterday or the sheer madness of what was happening.
4.       Slow mountain climber
5.       Jab out - grab a few breaths… core hurting…

6.       Low switch kick

7.       Speed + agility - ‘Up, center, back, center, wide’.

8.       Up + Over - WHY ARE MY ABS BURNING?!?

20:35 minute marker: Round 1/Level 2:
·         Out + out + turn
·         Quick feet up + back
·         Alternating speed knee slow
·         Slow mountain climber
·         Jab out
·         Low switch kick
·         Speed + agility
·         Up + over



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